This Yorkshire pudding looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011



This potato flaw looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011

The flaw in this potato looks like a duck.
-M & T


This spilled wax looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011



This fried cheese curd looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011



This squash looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011

This is my squash.  It looks like a duck.
I love ducks.

thanks for what you do,



These gourds look like ducks

February 14th, 2011

I just found your website via cute overload and the next day I spotted this “diorama” at the local farmers’ market.


This slice of Italian bread looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011

Yes, it does.

-Dave & Susan x


This storm drain looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011

I found your site while I was vacationing in South Korea.  I became obsessed with anything that looked like a duck!  I’ve attached a picture of a storm drain attached to a building within the Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul.  It’s so a duck.



This gourd looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011

This gourd looks like a duck… even more then that other one.  From a flower seller at a county fair in North Carolina.



This squash looks like a duck

February 14th, 2011

I thought this veggie looked like a little duck, especially a duck ballerina.
