This clip looks like a duck

September 10th, 2008


This imaging device looks like a duck

September 10th, 2008

Hey, noticed this when I was installing an HP printer. Thought you might enjoy.


This peanut looks like a duck

August 23rd, 2008

A close family friend of ours is celebrating his 18th birthday tomorrow. I can’t think of a better present than that of a peanut that looks like a duck.

I have sold many similar on eBay and think they make great gifts.
- Craig


This sweet potato looks like a duck

August 23rd, 2008

…an old, particularly frightening duck anyway!

Hello from Townsville, Australia!


This cardiac mitochondrion looks like a duck

August 23rd, 2008

Hey Shannon and Caitlin,

We love your site! This is an image from a transmission electron microscope of a mitochondrion from a heart cell. We think you’ll agree that it looks like a duck too!

, Shannon, and Liz


This tomato looks like a duck

August 23rd, 2008


This leg of crispy duck looks like a duck

August 23rd, 2008


We bought a crispy duck pancake pack from Morrisons — and this is the leg of duck that came with it!


This Bird’s Beak Lousewort looks like a duck

August 23rd, 2008


These hole punches look like a duck

August 15th, 2008

I was on a NJ Transit train when I looked at my tickets and realized that the holes that the conductor punched into my ticket looked like tiny ducklings.
- Justin


This grape looks like a duck

August 15th, 2008

My whole family stayed together after supper, and we had some fruit to enjoy. Then I saw this little cute grape. I was surprised by it and showed it to my uncle, he joked, “this is a freak, you can’t eat it.”

When my younger sister found it, she whimpered to me, “this grape looks like a duck!”

I was so happy that I didn’t eat it in the first place!

We are very happy that we found it!!!!!

Yours sincerely,
Shandong province
